1701 Valley Forge Rd. (PO Box 364) , Valley Forge PA 19481 - 484-431-8463 - pastor.billfarrow@comcast.net
Sunday School: 9:15 AM - Worship Services: 10:30 AM - Join our Weekly and Daily eMail Bible Studies! (Click Above)
Sunday School: 9:15 AM - Worship Services: 10:30 AM - Join our Weekly and Daily eMail Bible Studies! (Click Above)

VF Baptist is an historic old Church that has basically been in its place since the mid-late 1700s. We could be categorized as conservative and fundamental, even reformed Baptist Church that preaches the Gospel of Christ and teaches the Word of God verse by verse and book by book.
Our love is, first of all, for the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word and then also for one another and for being to one another what God's Word commands believers to be to each other!
Come and make yourself a part of our family!
Our love is, first of all, for the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word and then also for one another and for being to one another what God's Word commands believers to be to each other!
Come and make yourself a part of our family!
The Bible is God's Holy Word - Every Book, Chapter and Paragraph and is the Only way for men to know the Father.It seems like everybody and their dog thinks that Truth grows on trees these days. Here at VFBC e believe that the Bible and the Truth it contains is the single reliable statement of real Truth that exists today!
It does not matter at all, in ay positive sense what a person or what a group claims to hear from or be able to testify to hearing from God UNLESS their techings honors the Bible! |
The Lord Jesus Christ was the only begotten Son of God sent because of the Father's Love that all men might be saved from sin.The Scripture, in that very well-known passage in John 3:16 says: "For God so Loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes on Him shall not perish by have everlasting life! That wonderful gift is the ONLY means by which a man/woman can come to redemption and eternal life!! The no other man, given among men whereby we MJST (or can) be saved! Other voices suggesting other ways are purely and completely in error!
Salvation is by
Our major question to you as you read this site is... Do you know the Lord Jesus as your Redeemer? It is not the given that so many seem to think it is!! There are some general Biblical truths that can, perhaps, crystalize this idea and call you to make the commitment to submit yourself to your Lord and Master, the One Who rules over all men!! The truths to the right can help you to make this understanding firm and concrete in your mind and spirit ———>