“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,” says the Lord, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”
What gives you confidence? For some people, it’s the right hairstyle or clothing. Other people feel confident because of the premium credit card in their pocket. A few people are blessed with a self-confident attitude, but it sometimes appears as arrogance. Others constantly battle feelings of insecurity.
Recommended Reading:
The Savior who was with us in the beginning is the same God who will be with us until the end. He is our Alpha and Omega. Everything that happens to us from birth to death is in His hands. Don’t let the confusion of the world distress you. We can live in joyful confidence because of Christ.
Stand a bit taller today and go into your agenda confident of His care and keeping.
Recommended Reading:
- Psalm 27
The Savior who was with us in the beginning is the same God who will be with us until the end. He is our Alpha and Omega. Everything that happens to us from birth to death is in His hands. Don’t let the confusion of the world distress you. We can live in joyful confidence because of Christ.
Stand a bit taller today and go into your agenda confident of His care and keeping.
Lord, Thou knowest what is best,
confident in this I’ll rest, till I dwell with all the blest,
and with Thee in heaven.
confident in this I’ll rest, till I dwell with all the blest,
and with Thee in heaven.
William Ebel