It is legitmate and even essential to be mindful of the faithfulness of our God and Master. However, remembering that His faithfulness is really a function of the eternal relationship we have with Him in Christ and of His eternal nature and person and another truth that ought to encourage, thrill and lift us up!!
In human beings there are many “conditions” that serve as conditioners for our “faithfulness” to another person or some outside thing or matter. Likewise, there are things that can happen and/or take place to affect the continuing (or ceasing) of the matter at hand. This wonderfully underscores what David observes here in Psalm 119 when he tells us that God’s faithful is not simply a matter of one person or one generation. God faithfulness, as a demonstration of His person, His being and essence is a thing that affects any and all that come into the place of being affected by the Person and Being of God - He can be counted on and His promises and the exercise of His purposes can be relied upon as certainties to any and all for all times!
In human beings there are many “conditions” that serve as conditioners for our “faithfulness” to another person or some outside thing or matter. Likewise, there are things that can happen and/or take place to affect the continuing (or ceasing) of the matter at hand. This wonderfully underscores what David observes here in Psalm 119 when he tells us that God’s faithful is not simply a matter of one person or one generation. God faithfulness, as a demonstration of His person, His being and essence is a thing that affects any and all that come into the place of being affected by the Person and Being of God - He can be counted on and His promises and the exercise of His purposes can be relied upon as certainties to any and all for all times!